Tuesday 28 February 2012

Chess Piece

We were told to draw a chess piece and then lathe it as part of the tutorial.

The first problem I had was that I couldn’t get the line tool to work – to do what I wanted it to do (both in Illustrator and 3DS max).  After many trial and errors I finally managed to get the hang of the line tool.  The other problem was that after I’d lathe it, the chess piece would like this:

I was convinced I’d made an error, until I realised that I’d zoomed in, due to the fact that I drew it too big, and that my solution was simple – either zoom out which I had to do for all four view port which would ultimately take me longer, so all I did was made the chess piece smaller.

I first had to create half the chess piece using the line tool – I did this by having a picture of a chess piece half showing in another window like so:

After drawing it, I had to click on the ‘affect pivot only’ from the hierarchy tab, and then I had to place the point anywhere along the centre.  I zoomed in, in order to get it accurate.
Finally, I had to select lathe from the modifier list. And this is the result:

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