I think that I've come a long way in this part of the assignment. I have managed to complete an animation according to my storyboard, or as close as possible, which is always a good sign of progression. There were a lot of good and bad things about my animation.
Scene 1:
It was the best scene, probably because I didn't have to do that much. All i had to do was move the camera back to give it the impression that it was zooming out.
Scene 2:
This scene was a bit bad as there was only one movement of the wings, despite the fact that the glider was bumping up and down, due to the path that I'd created. In hindsight I could have made only one 'bump' when creating the path. Another option was to make the wings go up and down till it reach the end. another alternative was to perhaps use the physics engine to make the glider fall.
This was a good scene in my opinion, as it had a lot more animation to it, albeit not very coordinated (the fact that the arms and pieces was coming off, as well as the pieces on the glider - this was due to the fact that I couldn't weld the objects together in the first part of the assignment). This was because I managed to copy the animation that I did once.
Scene 4:
This was better than I expected, which was made possible by duplicating the path constraints to go alongside the glider. Again, if you take a closer look you'll notice that the handle falls of the wings etc.
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