Thursday 8 March 2012

3rd model - person/Crash test dummy

My third model will be a person flying the glider.  In order to get a great deal of accuracy I will attempt to create this model inside the glider. 

Before I started on the person i had to make sure to first of all save the glider (obviously), and then i had to come up with a way to ‘lock’ all those entities/objects as i would do for in Photoshop or Flash.  I did some research and came up with this which really helped.  The picture below is an example.  

I did this by selecting tools>Display Floater>selected all my objects>clicked on the button under the Freeze – Selected.

The picture above shows the most basic of layouts of the.  It is far from the finished article as i now have to shape it in order to make it look like a person.

In trying to make the body fit through the ring I had to select the edge mode after I converted it to editable poly and drag the x inside like so. 

I did the same for the other 3 edges that needed to be tucked in and this is my outcome.

My finished article

The person on its own in the picture below.  Granted it doesn’t really look like a person, it can however be considered a crash test dummy.  The reason it looks rushed is because it WAS rushed as I was under enormous time constraint to get it done.  I think if had a little bit more time, I’d have definitely made it better.

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